Mechanical engineering
  • 06.04.2021
  • 1118

Considering mechanical engineering almost exclusively produces capital goods, it is particularly susceptible to economic fluctuations. The construction of machines has literally become a science. For a long time, it has encompassed much more than just the construction of gearboxes and motors.

Amongst other things, this occupation also includes the activities of materials science, core and computer-simulated construction technicians, leading industrial branches of mechanical engineering are in principle to be equated with engineering. These include electrical engineering and construction.

Mechanical engineers also work on the company's focus on ideas, drafting, calculation, design, construction, research and development. Depending on individual machine parts and the size of the company, the largest products or systems are developed, assembled and controlled in production lines and entire factories. In addition to electrical engineering and construction, a common educational path is the study of mechanical engineering.

This is completed in special technical schools or universities. Participation in dual vocational training to become a mechanical engineer is also paramount. There are a multitude of possibilities that such a technical profession offers. Almost every non-craftsman is familiar with the professions of technical draftsman, mechatronics technician, cutting machine operator, electronics technician or materials tester.

Europeanization has brought relief, notably in this branch of the economy. Precedently, special domestic machine standards had to be complied with and that applied to every country. Thanks to globalization, it is now also possible to export machines to the respective member states of the EU.

The growth rate in mechanical engineering is currently at its highest point and continues to rise. With a percentage share of 11%, German mechanical engineering is the leading supplier in world trade, only then followed by the USA, China and France.
